Invest in a Creative Branding Agency To Help You Achieve Success & Growth

As a founder or entrepreneur, it's vital to invest in a creative branding agency that can help your business succeed. In today's landscape, purpose-driven marketing is essential for any company that wants to make an impact. 

A creative branding agency will take the time to understand your business goals and create a unique brand identity that resonates with your target audience. They'll develop messaging and visuals that capture the essence of your company and help you stand out from the competition. 

Here are five reasons why hiring a creative branding agency is essential for success: 

1. The right branding can help you attract top talent

In order to compete for the best talent, your company needs to have an attractive brand that resonates with potential candidates. A creative branding agency can help you develop the right visuals and messaging to appeal to top talent in your industry. 

2. A strong brand can help you raise capital

Investors are looking for companies with a strong brand that is differentiated from the competition. If you're looking to raise capital in 2023, working with a creative branding agency can help you develop the branding materials you need to tell your story and attract investors. 

3. Purpose-driven marketing is more important than ever before

Customers are increasingly interested in working with companies that share their values. A creative branding agency can help you develop purpose-driven marketing campaigns that resonate with your target audience and build trust and loyalty over time. 

4. Strong Branding Grows Your Bottom Line

Yes, investing in building a solid brand does require capital input but this pays off in the long run. A strong brand has more of a chance of turning heads and attracting a solid base of loyalists who will support your business through thick and thin. Remember, honesty & transparency is key - both internal towards your staff and external towards your audience. Also, consumers reward companies with purpose - companies with a higher purpose ranking compared to their laggard peers will reap greater benefits as consumers are more likely to favor that brand through trial, purchase and support of that company in their communities.

Kantar’s Purpose 2020 study showed how brands that consumers see as having a positive impact grow at twice the rate of their competitors. A recent study shows that 66% of young consumers say that a brand’s association with a social cause or platform positively impacts their overall impression of a brand, and 58% say this association is also a positive driver of their likelihood to purchase that brand.

5. Investing in branding pays off in the long run - think long term

Customers are increasingly interested in working with companies that share their values. A creative branding agency can help you develop purpose-driven marketing campaigns that resonate with your target audience and build trust and loyalty over time. Businesses that lead with purpose can build deeper bonds with existing consumers by engaging around shared interests about issues that matter. Consumer engagement can be a by-product of a purpose-driven strategy that has been effectively implemented and managed.

Did you know that ESG (environmental, societal & governance) could have helped avoid 90% of bankruptcies in recent times: 15 out of 17 (90%) bankruptcies in the S&P 500 between 2005 and 2015 were of companies with poor Environmental and Social scores five years prior to the bankruptcies.

If you want your business to succeed in 2023, it's essential to invest in a creative branding agency. The right agency will help you attract top talent, raise capital, and build trust and loyalty with your customers through purpose-driven marketing campaigns.

At Legs Brands™ we offer purpose-driven branding services that allow companies to strive towards making a positive impact on society. Through our workshops and carefully created frameworks, we help companies thrive in the modern era. Want to learn more about us & the value that we offer? Visit our company page, we might be the right for your current needs.

Legs Brands

We’re Legs! A purpose-driven branding agency.

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