Public Relations

Here are our latest PR features

Website Design

November 2022

- 9 Best Contact Page Website Designs That Encourage Inquiries and Attract Leads
- Featured Site of The Day: CSSLight
- Website of The Day - Best CSS

Branding Architecture

September 2022

- The 10 Best Branding Agencies in South Africa: Sortlist

Since you are here, how about watching our agency welcome video to learn more about us?

Welcome to Legs Brands™ - a creative branding agency that focuses on building better brands that makes the world a better place.

Interested to learn more about purpose-driven branding?

We have written a white paper explaining the branding concept and the value it provides (to a business & to the earth). Read the paper below:

Want to learn more about our agency culture? Read our culture document here:

Wow, you have made it this far down our PR page. You must be enjoying our content. Here’s our agency vision document:

Still here…

For your efforts, we are rewarding you with 20% off your first marketing consultation with us. You have found our website ‘easter egg’, congrats!

Click the button below to book your consult, and add into the notes section the coupon code: ‘PR die-hard’.